Since my psych rotation began I've reflected much upon my own beliefs as they are now, my expierences, and asked God to show me truth and provide me with an open mind to accepting the truth as it is, whatever it may be. I voiced today in class about my beliefs of some psychiatric diagnosis being over used, especially bi-polar, depression, and ADD. The symptoms are being addressed, not the core issue. In a instant gratifying, self-seeking, pain avoiding society we are too quick to put labels and ask for meds. It's fear. And it's killing us. We are afraid to tell what we feel, we are afraid to feel what we feel, we are afraid it's going to hinder or create more drama in our lives, afraid of what people are going to think, afraid to look within, afraid to know who we really are... and its killing us. We are killing ourselves, and killing each other.
The mind is the connector between body and spirit. Just as spirit is the connector of body and mind. Without one, the other two cannot exist; without balance, none of them can exist harmoniously. The mind is the conciousness. The plane in which we make our decisions. Everything, EVERYTHING. Is about balance. Everything has an opposite, everything has a center in which no pull exists on either side, neutrality. The balance can either come from the dead center, or from equal weight being on both sides; either way, there is a negation of pull, and it is neutral. It just is. Every natural thing seen and unseen operates in cycles and homeostasis (the maintence of balance, in which every part may work together beautifully, not pulling from or on but supporting every other part).
So where does the mind fit? It's ability to choose consciously inhibits, but cannot stop this natural flow. We can make a choice apply our will or allowing ourselves to flow with what is already happeneing. We think we are so smart. Yet, we are hurting ourselves and each other. We are causing ourselves undue suffering. If the mind is the connector between spirit world and earth world, we have to conciously choose to maintain a balance, or atleast be open to a balance being maintained. I reflected on a friend's manic episode today in class, and remember telling him "I don't know where you are, but come back." I watched him a week before throw himself out of balance, choosing (with the mind) go farther into the spirit plane. The mind can go either way, it's neither here or there; It's neither spirit or body, it's both, or neither (I'm not entirely sure)... but it definately has the ability to be with one or the other. If we conciously choose to align more and with the earth plane and go too far on the scale, chaos, confusion, addiction, lonliness, anger, fear, all of those will regin... because we are choosing to farther away from spirit; we are choosing seperation. If we go too far into the spirit plane we become scattered, psychotic, hallucinating, delusional etc, because we are in a place no one else is, a place their eyes cannot see, but this doesn't make it less real. Just because I can't see or feel your feeling's of disspointment, doesn't mean they don't exist.
My question is this, What are they running from? What pain are they avoiding, what memory are they desperately trying to forget, what fear has arisen from their subconcious they no longer can even recognize as a fear or a problem? What energy did they bask in for so long it eventually became part of them? Like a body rotting in the earth?
People aren't bi-polar, depressed, or whatever other fucking label "experts" can but on them. They are desperatly seeking love, connection, and wholeness in such a feverish fashion they are oblivious to the fact they are getting lost deeper and deeper into the woods. Start where they are, and bring them back. Yes, that may mean a shot of Ativan to bring people back down from "psychosis" or going too far into the spirit world, or hospitalization because they are so far into the earth realm death is their soultion because earth is too painful. Both instances are attempts and connected with the Divine, either through going as far as being alive on earth will allow, or removing the "being alive" issue all together. So, once there is some sort of balance... let's go in. Let's find out what works for them. Ask them what THEY think will work for them. Let's figure out the true cause of why they were running in the woods in the first place instead of just giving them a few camping utensils to survive amongst the darkness.
"In every man, woman, and child there is an inherent knowing of God." It is that longing we can't explain, the actin we took and don't know why. Subconciously, we want balance. We want sillness. We want God. If God is Love, then what we really want is love, and if we felt we weren't getting it where we were, then we're going somewhere else, because we're human we will choose to throw ourselves out of balance. Until we realize that choosing Love happens within the mind, and is the only thing necessary to allow ourselves to feel Love, then we are choosing fear. Because everything has an opposite, and the opposite of Love is fear. And well, fear is killing us.
A Course in Miracles states, "The process of psychotherapy is the return of sanity. Teacher and pupil, therapist and patient are all insane or they would not be here. Together they can find a pathway out, for no one will find sanity alone...Let him be still and recognize his brother's need, is his own."
They say teaching something is the best way to learn it. It's true. I teach Love and healing because I need to learn it. I need it in my life. I recognize that what I see you needing in your life, is a reflection of what I need in mine. It's about Love, always has been, always will be.
Choose Love.
Love & Light,
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