Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Goals & Lessons

"The miracle worker is asked to do two things: see forgiveness as our function, and relinquish all other goals we have invented for ourselves."

There are a few things I have to remember in order to do these two things.  1) That at any given moment, people are doing the very best they can with what they have and who they are; if I had their life I probably would be doing/acting/reacting just as they are. 2) Forgiveness frees me from the bonds of anger and resentment which are poisen that will slowely and literally eat away at my insides if left unattended and allowed to manifest physically in the form of some disease, more than likely cancer. Forgiveness is not for them or about them, it's about me. 3) If I'm focused on MY plans for me, it's unlikely I'm leaving room for God's, mine will always come first, and it will always be a little bit more of a struggle.

There seems to be a theme for each day lately, and todays had very little to do with the quote or my reflection on it, but I wanted to share none the less. Today's them seemed to be about being very clearly shown what is or is not best, and still being allowed free will. A very keen momentary insight of "Yes, this is a test. What are you going to do?" In the moment of a potential lesson, it's become very clear to me, this is what is going on here... make a choice.

The day started with a lesson of fear/anger. What was I going to let start my day? It was a choice, but it was not without God's help that I was able to achieve the choice I made. I chose to choose Love, I humbly asked God to help me feel it and to let go of the trivial aggravations that were testing my recently attained patience, and so it was. As I relfect on today, I'm in awe. Several situations were oppurtunities for me to grow in the areas of patience, trust, faith, gratitude, and honesty. Oppurtunities to be true to myself and my inner knowningness of what's best for me despite fears. The mere awareness that every moment was simply a chance for me to obtain some thing I had been asking God for, was a strong starting point in my acceptance of what was. I platform to open myself to really .... I'm tired right now, very tired. I'm done writing.

Love & Light

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