Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Honoring Relationships

Problem: I can't seem to hold onto a partner. Karmic fix: Respect other people's relationships.

This was part of a problem/solution table in The Tibetan Book of Mediation. Respect & honor other people's relationships. Wow. It stuck with me the moment I read it weeks ago. It speaks of opposites. Similar to, you can't fight darkness with darkness or you can't find war with more war. The underlying energy is still the same anger, fight, darkness, etc... thus creating MORE of what you don't want. It's about  choosing to be and create more of that you want to see in your life as opposed to fighting what you don't. Such subtle differences, but such a marked difference in energy and outcome. Anyways, back to the meat & potatoes...

That statement really hit home for me. I asked myself DO I honor and respect other people's relationships? I don't think I do. I ran through a mental list, one relationship in particular which has erked me for a long while now came to my mind first (and is there right now, refusing to hide in the background of my thoughts at the moment) I decided to start there, to be observant of my thoughts, emotions, & words as they related to this particular relationship, and others, as the opportunities arose. I realized I often (but not always) found myself in judgement, picking them apart, shaking my head thinking THAT relationship was ridiculous and one of them was a total fucking idiot. You give it away to keep it. If this is what I was giving, no wonder I had been getting what I had been getting! My focus was on picking their relationship apart, finding everything fucked up about it, and thinking that's definitely not the kind of relationship I want. Wondering why the fuck they are still together anyways?  So I started there, a conscious decision to notice and replace the thoughts rooted in judgement, anger, etc with thoughts rooted in Love, compassion, & understanding. To see the good in it, and to know, it was serving some kind of divine purpose.

To honor and respect other people's romantic relationships, because that's their contract. In doing that, I'm honoring my own. I'm creating relationships based upon honor, respect, & Love.

I realized today, that I had not in the slightest bit honored or respected the relationship she was in prior to meeting me. Easily forgetting every chance I could get where they were when I came into the picture. That was my first mistake... not taking a step back to honor and respect that relationship. To say you know, sounds like there is still some healing to be done. Maybe it's not a good time for us to start one of our own.

With Grace & Gratitude...

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