Monday, September 5, 2011

Rich Awareness

"It was then that I learned to let go, it is now I truly believe" a painting called awakening that is now hanging above my bed.

"Peoples forced reflection by the suffering of loss"

It is one thing to have a goal. It's okay to have goals and dreams, but it's the understanding and acceptance from the moment that goal is created that it may or may not happen.

"Today seemed chocked full of lessons, signs, answers and bits of guidance if we were aware enough to catch it..." My text to J... her response... "Ditto."

The song I cannot currently get enough of, Ryan Starr's "We might fall"

"We know what we are, but not what we may be..." The ring I bought today which I absolutely LOVE.

The realization on my way home that for the first time, J and I may or may not work. I don't know, it's okay not to know. Be honest with myself about what I want, I want to be with her, but you know what... it may or may not happen and that's okay.

"And if you didn't know you hurt your momma's feelings she's been crying." - a message from my cousin. I do know, am I responsible for her feelings? She's not willing to talk about them, and leaving was what truly felt best for me to do, there is no regret or shame. I would have rather spent the day here, with J at the art fair. This was were I was suppose to be, I'm sure of it, otherwise... I wouldn't have been here.

Control came up a few times... then my thoughts where, if I believe I have control issues and affirm that wihtout taking action or also viewing a resolution or healing in progress, I will only amplify them.

Symbolism. Parallel's. Love. Healing. Passion. Honesty. Awareness. Sharing.

"If the Buddha got stuck" is rocking my world right now.

Today was rich. It's time to sleep and allow it all to sink in to the very core of my being, beyond and without the filter of my conscious mind....

Love & Light

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