It's much more difficult to push someone out of your life because of who they are, than what they've done.
It's as if you don't really have a reason. It's more personal. There is no anger. It's just truth. It's a slow and painful realization that they are not healthy for you. And out of love for yourself, you choose to walk away, pull away, or create a wall between you and them. And that's okay. We stick with people out of love for them. But what about love of ourselves? It is not selfish. I would be in the same fucking place I was 10 years ago or worse had I not chosen to be "selfish" and love myself.
I respect people. I support who they are and the choices they make. I honor boundaries and wishes. Because I desire the same. I expect the same. And if someone cannot do that for me, I choose to not have them in my life. Good intentions mean so little compared to action. I do not pay for people's poor choices. I do not enable unhealthy behaviors. Being of blood relation DOES NOT give you a free pass to hurt me or inhibit my growth in a positive direction.
I surround myself with people who respect others. Who focus to raise them up, empower them, support them. To give them the freedom to become who they are, to allow them follow their own path. I choose to surround myself with people who strive to become better, who ask themselves the hard questions. People who overcome adversities. Who invite humility and grace. Who accept help as only a temporary tool to get themselves to a greater goal. THESE are the people I want in my life. These are the characteristics I have embodied, and put forth in the world to help empower all people, Not just friends, family, or people I know. But everyone.
I believe helping and empowering people are two different things. And there is beauty in allowing someone to hit rock bottom. Sometimes it is there where their answer lies. Sometimes it is at the bottom, in their created darkness they become willing to see things differently. It often allows them to see their own strength, to find their fight, their humility, their connection to something greater. It is ALWAYS our choice to remain where we are or move forward. I believe in allowing people take themselves to this place.. But also believe in not letting them take me there, too.
With Grace & Gratitude...
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