Okay, so there's always a choice. but the energy of the last few days has not felt that way at all.
What's going on!?
The collective energy the last several days seems to be pushing that which no longer serves the greater good to the surface for release. Many people are experiencing similar symptoms that range from a vague sense of waking up on the wrong side of the bed to migraine headaches and emotional outbursts. It just depends on where you're at in your spiritual journey and how sensitive you are to these shifts. This one seems to be pretty intense. And no matter how "sensitive" you are it will be felt on some level. I'm writing this because I'm watching people struggle to feel okay these last few days and it helps to have an understanding of what's going on and to know that you are not alone. You are not the only one experiencing emotional outbursts, extreme fatigue, restlessness, impatience, and body aches. Obviously those are not the only symptoms, but those seem to be the most common this go around.
I'm watching the energy move up people's chakra systems starting at the root. As it clears, its circling back up and down to the chakra above the first one. What you feel is almost a tingling sensation, or a nauseous sensation where the energy is moving through and a heaviness or numbness where the energy has already been. It's okay. It's clearing. The best thing to do is allow it to happen. Be gentle with yourself and others. Understand we are all going through this together. Avoid addictive behaviors, watch your thoughts and do things that relax you and raise your vibration like taking a salt bath, gaze out the window, breathe light into the areas of your body that feel blocked or sick, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Google some grounding, clearing, and releasing techniques. See what resonates with you and try it. What the heck right? The most important thing is just to remember to let it be. Don't fight it. Do not struggle, simply observe, notice, & feel. The collective energy is pushing it up and out. LET IT. Just breathe. Our attempts and fighting that are only going to make it worse.
What to expect?!
February is about going inward. Mother nature is forcing us in doors, within ourselves, with the people closest to us who most able to help reflect back to us things we need to see. And well sometimes, this sucks, really sucks. It's painful and irritating, but in the same instance it's beautiful. It's a healing. There are more winter storms predicted and artic temperatures. The energy of February is very stagnant, and I believe Mercury is going to be in retrograde for most of the month which effects communication of all kinds. There also seems to be a sense of doing those things we've been putting off out of fear. Once we are made to sit still long enough (as sweet February is graciously doing for us) it feels as if we have no choice but to act upon things which we've allowed to lay dormant inside of us. Mercury in retrograde isn't typically a good time to sign contracts, make big life decisions, etc... but this one has a different feel to it. It feels okay to do those things we've been putting off that will quite possible move us forward into new and uncharted territories in March and continue for the rest of the year.
I've never been one to sugar coat much so I will be honest, I have a feeling February is going to be rough for many of us, but the energy really clears up the first week of March. We are going to feel trapped, anxious, and edgy. It is about letting go. We humans don't usually take the initiative to look at ourselves and our life when there is no discomfort, so Spirit has to create it for us. Spend some time with yourself. Our job is to keep our intention on healing and release. To take it one day at a time and be gentle with each other. When it's all over, we will be that much lighter, and that much more capable of moving forward in our lives and in our world. It truly begins within each of us. Our world is merely a reflection of the collective consciousness. It's time we get our of our heads and into our hearts. When all else fails, just remember, this too shall pass. Hang in there Blessings.
With Grace & Gratitude...
This too shall pass. Thank you for that reminder!