Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I believe in the power of Love. I know, that may sound corny. Wishy-washy, or a little too new-agey for most, but I do. In my deepest parts of who I am I believe the world would be a better place if we all practiced a little more patience, a little more acceptance, grace, and experienced a little more humility. I am no where near perfect. These are things I work on regularly. I can just as easily get caught up in blame, anger, and impatience as the next person. But that is were my quiet time comes into play. That time when it's just me and God, and whatever tools I use to connect there. Tools can be anything. It can be a book, a bible, oracle cards, paper & pen, a friend, a breath. I believe that life is much simpler than we make it practicality has it's place. The destination is already here and we are always our biggest obstacle. I wrote a blog last night and the first sentence was "My biggest battle has always been with myself." It's a scary thing, to love in the midst of chaos, to be calm in the midst of fear. But those are the things that remain when the chaos fades and the fear subsides, it always comes back to that. To quiet, to stillness, to peace. We too will come back to that, as a people, we are coming back to that. Our world is a collective manifestation of every individual's thoughts, fears, dreams, and so on. Ask yourself what you would like to see more in the world and do THAT. Bring more of that into the world.

With Grace & Gratitude...

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