"We have all made mistakes and wondered how we got wherever we go, why we chose what we chose, and why we didn't change it sooner. It's easy to be angry at ourselves and other people, but that anger keeps us stuck. Our lives truly go in the direction our mind goes, our thoughts are constantly creating future experiences." Journal Entry - January 2018
I have been angry at Sabrina for over a year now. I journaled about it on Christmas Day, all the same things I say now about why I'm angry. I know why I'm angry, even my therapist told me that. She also encouraged me to write a letter to that anger and say goodbye. Here goes...
Dear anger,
I almost capitalized you, but I stopped. I backspaced and decided that was the first step in saying goodbye - not giving you so much power. I don't know when you came into my life. It's felt like you've always been there. I've often speculated you came from my father. I took the dog for a walk last night, and when my mind would wonder and my attention would focus on negative things or replaying conversations, thoughts, fears, etc. that didn't serve me, I would thank my body for being so strong and I would think about the things in my life and about myself that I love, and I felt lighter.
I know why I've been mad at Sabrina. I know why I've been mad at myself. But it truly doesn't serve me to hang onto that. I'm sure there is a useful time for you, but it should be transient. You shouldn't hang around and continue to cause chaos and upset. I love my wife. We've chosen to work on ourselves and our marriage. She's not been mad at me for a long time, but she's waiting on me to not be mad at me or her. I really don't have space in my life or marriage for you anymore. If there's two of you - a more chronic, carried, acquired anger that may not have even been mine to begin with and a more acute version of you, I'm going to need both of you to leave. I am surrounded by people in my life who love and support me for being exactly who I am. People who would love me through growth spurts and hard times. I asked the Universe a long time ago to please partner me with someone who helps me be the best version of myself, and she does that. That process isn't always pretty, but it's worth it, and I asked for this. There are way more joyful pieces to my life then there are pieces that cause me pain. I'm sure there is a time and place for you, but I don't think it's here, now. I really don't need you anymore, especially in this situation. I've chosen to forgive her and myself.
I want to move on with my life. I'd like to smile more, relax my furrowed brown more, ruminate less, talk less about things that don't need to be talked about, ride my bike more, walk more, live in joy more. I don't want to be mad for the sake of being mad. Things happen. Acceptance is they key to all my problems today. If I could learn to give myself more time to do the things I need and want to do and a little more grace, I would be less anxious and angry. I'm ready for that, too. Thank you for being part of my story, I'm sure you had a purpose at some point. Please be free.