Thursday, September 14, 2017

Courage & Force

"Courageously, not forcefully."

Those words have resonated in my psyche for the last few days. Applicable to many things, but for me, right now, in my life, it seems to be pertaining to us having our next child. We started this process last fall knowing it would be a process for us and wanted to be ready when we were ready. This month (if all goes as planned) will be my second insemination.

Courage suggests a grace, a surrendering. An openness to divine interjection. Courage offers true strength in the face of possible failure. Courage is quiet, receptive, strong. It is more in align with God's will for me instead of my own. There is an accepting quality about courage as it insinuates perseverance. I choose to be more courageous; I have been forceful for far too long.

Force has a jaggedness to it and creates an instinctual push back from the goal. The energy around it is so compact, grace and divinity have no room to create or bring opportunities for success. Anger lingers under forceful, a ready alternative to acceptance if failure comes. Constricting and overbearing, forcefulness springs from the ego.

Many times, I have thought force was courageous, pushing hard against things unknown screaming a refusal to give up, or give in. Just as many times, I have found myself still and quiet afterwords contemplating those actions, and either just shy of my goal or feeling as if my obtained goal wasn't enough. Never enough, that is the mantra of the ego.

With mindfully choosing courage I feel lighter, stronger, and more attuned to the guidance the Universe has to offer.

With Grace & Gratitude...

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