Monday, March 27, 2017

At Last

I feel better than I have felt in the last 5 years. On every level - mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually - I feel lighter and clearer. I feel more focused & more free. Sitting here on my couch, it feels as though layers of the last 5 years that no longer are serving a good are literally and figuratively falling away. My breath is deeper, exhales and inhales more even. I am grateful, and I am connected again. Humility has found me. My arrogance, pride, & self-pity lead me down a road which took me away from my understanding of who I was and what kept me most in-tune with my truest self. There is a sense of returning to my self. And for that I am grateful.

I've done more Reiki in the last 2 weeks than I've done in the last 2 years. As a means of opening, creating, and meeting new opportunities, I made my first video of what Reiki is and put in out there, on the world wide web, Every time I see it, I automatically want to stick my head in the metaphorical dirt, afraid of the critics. Let us not be afraid of the critics. A new moon is tomorrow, one which initiates the beginning of a several year cycle. According to a gifted and beloved astrologer, Kris Redman, there is a lot of expansion and positive joint finance energy moving. I can feel that. I am so grateful for it. I can't remember the last time I felt this open, this grounded, this light. Travis told me a few weeks ago to do what energizes me. If hospice no longer energizes me, it's okay to go. And I am. The ER is calling my name along with something else new of which I haven't quite put my finger on. It quite possibly could be more Reiki. Today I sat at my dining room table and told Kris that life is simply too short to be unhappy. As cliche is that is, it's true. Apparently, this is also the year of new beginnings and happiness - tomorrow is a perfect time to even further energize our dreams into reality. It feels so different right now.

I went to the gym today. I created avenues to grow my businesses, I relaxed and watched a movie I had been wanting to watch for sometime. I ate dinner and popcorn with joy. I've also had my tea and my greens, and I've stretched my body. This life I live is amazing, it's exactly what I've wanted for so long, and I'm so grateful for it. God's grace had a big part in all of this, along with my willingness to change and seek solutions. Tomorrow, too, is another day.

With Grace & Gratitude

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