It has taken me roughly 15 minutes - two bathroom trips, a handful of failed computer log ins on multiple computers, the feeding of two starving cats, and the brewing of one cup of coffee - to get, here.
I've never considered myself a morning person. I'm pretty sure I don't even consider myself a morning person now, but I've become accustomed to playing the part. The allure of alone time - meditation, writing, yoga, cardio - has been pulling me out of bed sometimes an hour before when I absolutely needed to be. Even I can't believe it some mornings.
My life is coming back to me. The me that I fought for and found 6 years ago is resurfacing, and I couldn't be happier. "If I can be an example of getting sober, than I can be an example of starting over." Macklemore said that. And although, he is obviously talking about alcohol sobriety, it works just as well in a multitude of life circumstances.For me, it's food. It's giving myself the things I need to stay clear and grounded; it's loving, listening, and taking care of my body. It's breathing & letting go. It's not picking up the cookie just because it's there, or shoving my face with a whole bag of chips while scrolling through facebook or watching TV. For me, it's about showing up to the gym, being accountable, and giving my best. I've been hovering around 80% effort these last several years when I do show up which has been inconsistent at best.. And I've been yielding those results.
With Grace & Gratitude