Tuesday, April 17, 2012


     I've spent the last several weeks watching & riding a wave of energy which is bringing enormous amounts of change for many, I'd actually be confident enough to say... all.  How it effects each of us is the variable.  

      The biggest complaints brought my attention are stomach issues, primarily diarrhea, along with anxiety issues, & sleepiness. Exploring those very issues with people I've noticed the ones with diarrhea exhibit a last minute willingness on various levels, to let go. To let go of that which no longer serves them. A feeling of FINALLY learning embodying things such as patience, the ability to surrender to the process, see asepcts of themselves the universe has been gracefully trying to show them for years, etc.  Something cannot change on one level and not somehow effect all the others... hence the physical detox following the mental/emotional/spiritual. The people I've noticed most prone to feeling more sleepy & eating slightly heavier meals are those more sensitive/intuitive people. As if we feel this shift coming and we are preparing ourselves to be available for the influx of those seeking answers & reassurance. We are eating more heavy foods, and sleeping more somewhat like an athlete does before a big race. Those who have seemed to be doing "the work" so to speak of inner voyaging over the last few years & slowly going through this process of discovering who they really are seem to be having way less physical symptoms. As if their bodies have built some kind of tolerance or strategy to deal with these shifts, and change is a little more comfortable for them, on all levels. They seem to have a vague sense that something is changing, but it feels very normal to them, after all, they've been doing it for some time. The anxiety issues/panic attacks are arising for people who aren't so willing to let go. Who are still fighting and clinging to what they've always known out of fear, and a desire to NOT feel what is surfacing. LET IT SURFACE. It's okay. I promise it won't kill you to look at yourself, but running from it will. 

       Because the energy has shifted. As a planet, our vibration is raising through individual people's willingness to raise their own vibration, to "be the change they wish to see in the world." Well, that's exactly what's happening. And one of us cannot change without someone else changing, and many of us cannot change without a noticeable change in the world collectively. This higher energy vibration is being felt by all of us... it's shaking shit to the surface of our conscious minds that can be a little frightening. Aspects of our selves long hidden or denied. Opportunites within our personal relationships (especially our primary ones such as significant others & parent/child) to heal long held emotional traumas are becoming more and more frequent. For God sakes, TAKE THESE OPPORTUNITIES. I promise you, they are only going to become more frequent, and more intense. The Universe WILL get your attention. The last few years some of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time have focused on going inward, getting to know our shadow self, dealing with deep rooted emotional issues. Why? Because maybe on some level... they new this was coming. This energy coming in now as we speak which will usher us into a new era of human connected-ness. This is what 2012 is about. The end of our world as we all have known it, not that an asteroid is coming to take us all out. Old ways of thinking doing are simply falling away, but yes there will be chaos. The amount of chaos will be directly related to the amount of energy WE spend fighting it. Fighting what is. 

      This change is inevitable, and it's okay. It's beautiful really. So, breath deep, doing so is so underrated. Seek out relationship with people who empower you, support you, and truly love you. Give to others what you are wanting more of in your life, whether it's friendship, love, a listening ear, compassion, understanding. By doing so you are creating more of that in your life. GET OUT SIDE. Nothing is more supportive or more grounding that the earth energy itself. SLEEP. Listen to your body, if you need to take a nap, by all means take a nap! It's okay. Things are changing. We need to listen, more so than we ever have. We need to honor ourselves and take a moment of reverence to step back and ask the Universe, "what is really going on here?" 

With Grace & Gratitude...